Kenyans in France Vow to Deport Joyriders as 10 MCAs Invited to Olympics

 Kenyans in France have sworn to assist in deporting individuals back home following revelations that the National Olympics Committee of Kenya (NOCK) had extended an invitation to 11 Members of County Assemblies (MCAs) to the Olympics as part of the cheering squad.

This move has sparked outrage among the Kenyan diaspora in France, who are calling for transparency and prioritisation of athletes.

In a letter dated June 20, NOCK Secretary General Francis Mutuku extended an invite to the members, stating, “It is a great pleasure to invite the following members of the Kenya Young Members of County Assemblies Association to cheer Team Kenya at the Olympic Games, Paris-France from 26th July to 11th August 2024.”

The members hail from various counties, including Uasin Gishu, Elgeyo Marakwet, Migori, Laikipia, Lamu, Machakos, Nakuru, and Garissa.

The invitation includes three individuals from the Uasin Gishu County Assembly, among them the speaker and Chief Finance Officer (CFO), as well as MCAs from other counties and the CFO of the Kenya Young Members of County Assemblies (KYMCA). 

However, the invite specifies that the members will be responsible for their air tickets, visas, accommodation, and venue tickets, with NOCK providing support through their hospitality partner.

Second Lady Dorcas Rigathi (centre) poses for a photo with the Special Olympics Team in Berlin, Germany on June 24, 2023. 

The involvement of these MCAs has caused a stir, especially given the unclear funding sources for their trip. It remains uncertain whether the county assemblies will cover the expenses or if the members will foot the bill themselves.

Kenyans in France, particularly the younger generations, expressed their outrage in a statement on Thursday, July 11. “Kenyan Gen Z and Millennials in France are outraged by the presence of non-essential staff and joyriders from Kenya in Paris,” they declared. They further threatened to “frog-march these individuals back to Kenya from Charles de Gaulle Airport.”

The group also criticised the extravagant expenditure on the residence of Team Kenya in France, highlighting the Ksh50 million spent on renting Kenya House for just 10 days. They argued that this amount could have been better utilised to support the athletes, who are the true ambassadors of Kenya.

In addition, the group demanded that the Ministry of Sports release a detailed budget breakdown and clarify the activities planned at Kenya House that would directly benefit the athletes. “Priority must be given to our athletes, not joyriders or non-essential personnel,” they asserted.

Their demands included a strong statement against the presence of politicians in Paris, especially given Kenya's current austerity measures. “No politicians should be in Paris while Kenya is under austerity measures,” they insisted, adding that there are enough Kenyans living in Europe who can cheer for the teams without additional cost.

As of June 30, 2024, 83 athletes had qualified for the Paris Games, representing Kenya in disciplines such as athletics, rugby sevens, judo, fencing, volleyball, and swimming. 

The focus, according to the diaspora group, should be on these athletes and ensuring they receive the necessary support to excel.

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